Friday, June 15, 2007

Flower Power

TGIF People! So whats the plans for the weekend everyone? I'm going to go play golf tomorrow morning and then probably hang out by the pool. It's a tough life but somebodies got to live it. Sunday is of course Father's Day so Happy Daddy day to all. I'm hoping to get some crafting time in as well, but that remains to be seen. The garden could use some TLC so I may end up just focusing on that area. Speaking of which, check out the amazing flower to the left. This is from my red palm that I've had for three years. I never realized the darn thing blooms. Pretty amazing huh? I moved it under the gazebo when we had that really cold weather and the plant just took off, it's now about 5 feet tall and blooming for goodness sake. Just goes to show how little I know about gardening and how much of my efforts are truly by luck. Oh and my jasmine is blooming again which is really strange because it has only bloomed once a year since we planted it and now it's blooming again. Go figure? Don't really know whats going on out there but I think I'll just sit back and enjoy the view.
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1 comment:

Rachele said...

Well, this weekend I'm pretty sure Ryan is working tomorrow, so I'll have to clean our apartment by myself, but that's only after Kitty, Crash, and I watch our morning cartoons and play with mouser toys. My garden won't need a whole lot of attention because I've been fussing with it all week; I can't leave it alone. I have ridiculous amounts of swiss chard that I need to cut up and put mix in with the 14 heads of lettuce that I have left. Ryan wants me to cook the beet greens, but I don't know how and I'm not sure I'll even like to eat it.

I'm planning on looking at a few more houses in case the green one doesn't work out. I'll do some grocery shopping and maybe make a yummy shrimp salad for one of our meals this weekend.

We're celebrating Father's Day with Ryan's dad on Monday, so I'll just be calling John on Sunday. On Sunday we're teaching our Sunbeams Lesson 21 "I have feelings."

Maybe we'll go to Carraba's for dinner and rent some Red Box movies. Ryan doesn't have any more basketball to watch, so that will be traumatic.

Finally, I'll be working on my "sewing project" - a.k.a. "a quilt."