Monday, December 10, 2007

Christmas Trees

This year John and I decided to break the tradition and purchase an artificial tree. He has been all for this idea for years, but I held steadfast to the traditional, fresh cut, yummy smelling tree. I loved the act of gathering the family to go pick out a tree and then the whole process of setting it up and decorating. Now that we are empty nesters though, it's not the same so it seems a good time to make the change. He went in for the hard sell this season and convinced me it was better for the enviornmnet, because we weren't wasting a natural resource and we would be "recycling" it annually. I was pretty comfortable with the idea and then Randy called and accused me of "going to the dark side" so I quickly tried to redeem myself with the "green" aspect of our decision, but he wasn't buying it. But then my friend Michelle, who's husband is a firefighter, confirmed it was an excellent decision due to the horrible fire hazard of real trees. I do like the new tree, especially the pre hung lights, but alas I miss the smell and most of all the fun family experience.


Rachele said...

I miss decorating it with you too! Just remember though, the traditions you started are now spreading into our homes. So even though we aren't together, the spirit of your traditions carrys on.

You can always get a candle to capture the smell of Christmas trees. However, a candle may be more of a fire hazard than a real Christmas tree. Oh well.

Ginger said...

I love my artifical tree and have for years. Now I long for a tree though with the pre hung lights. I'll keep wishing. My Port Orford Cedar wreath arrived on Monday. It is hand made by the only florist in town-she is also the town fire captain. It smells so fresh and I love to stroke my hand on it. I have it up at work-My home away from home.