Monday, July 16, 2007

Thank you for the Birthday wishes!

I feel very loved as I look at my hope chest and see all of the cards that you sent sitting on top of it. It was such a great day because of the cards and phone calls I received; I really felt loved.

Ryan and I went to Sizzler for dinner to revisit the restaurant choice of my youth. The food was as good as I remembered it. For birthday celebrations we went to the drive-in to see Transformers and Evan Almighty. I loved Transformers, but slept through Evan Almighty. I imgaine that it's funny, but it started at 12:15 am, and I was too tired to stay awake.

On Saturday Ryan went shopping with me to use some of my bday money and gift cards. When we were in Target he asked me how much I had accumulated in goods, and I told him that I still had quite a bit left because everything I picked out was on clearance. He then said "they have some cool banana chairs here that I bet you'd like." Of course we all know that I really wouldn't choose to add an accessory like a banana chair to my apartment, but Ryan thought it was a great idea. We had to pass though because they were out of stock. Thank goodness.

Well, it was great fun. Thank you for making it special.

1 comment:

Millie said...

Hmm, I'll have to check the local Target and see if the Banana chairs are in stock here. I'm sure they'd ship it direct to you. Glad you had a Happy Birthday. Missed you all the more.